5 Best Fabrics For Placemats – Cheapest & Strongest Fabrics

5 Best Fabrics For Placemats – Cheapest & Strongest Fabrics

Placemats are such a practical household item as they catch all the food spills and they can be thrown in the wash ready for the next meal. They are also super easy and simple to make so they make a perfect beginner project. As placemats are underneath hot plates you might wonder what is best…

Review: Female Adjustable Dressmakers Tailors Dummy Mannequin

Review: Female Adjustable Dressmakers Tailors Dummy Mannequin

Adjustable mannequins might seem scary and a little confusing but they are actually really easy to use and can help when making your own clothes and costumes. Mannequins are extremely helpful as they represent the body and shape you are working towards, this can help people who struggle to piece together parts of the pattern…